Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rolling Hills 4th of July Bike Parade

The Rolling Hills neighborhood has a bike parade (led by a firetruck) every 4th of July, 
lots of people came this year


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tucker is 16 and driving


Tucker turned 16 a couple of weeks ago and got his drivier's license on Monday

He likes driving without parents always being in the car

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Battle Bots


Some Silver Circuits guys got together at Rogan's house yesterday for a
Battle Bots match.

They each made a robot for battle.

Rogan put together a field for the matches.

Tucker's did well, but got damaged - that's ok!

It's more fun that way.

lots of repairing between matches

The end result - it was a success and super fun.

Model of the Old Testament Tabernacle


A group that travels with a life-size model of the Old Testament Tabernacle 
came to Reno last week.
There was a youth conference for a couple of days and then 
tours were given on the third day. 

The youth who attended the conference were the tour guides.

we're standing next to the altar where they would make burnt offerings.
Tucker was a tour guide that morning.

inside the tabernacle near the Holy of Holies and the veil.

Inside the Holy of Holies, looking at the ark of the covenant, where the ten 
commandments were stored.

It was pretty hot inside! The tour guides were great, it was cool to be inside a 
life-size model and learn about the ordinances and symbols.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Carson is officially a missionary

Carson received a blessing setting him apart as a missionary; we were told that 
it's tradition for the mother to clip on the name tag for the first time.

It's official - he's a full-time missionary! He's currently doing at-home MTC training
and will fly out to the MTC in Provo, UT in a few days. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Seeing Aurora Borealis in Reno


The recent solar flares made some aurora borealis effects visible in the Reno 
night sky. Carson took these pictures.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

FIRST Robotics World Competition in Houston, Texas


We traveled with the team to Houston on Monday the week of Worlds. 

The team posed with another team from Mexico in the pit.

The team in their pit - it's a place to display all aspects of the team and its accomplishments 
so the judges can observe, and also for hanging out between matches and working on the robot.

Tucker and Hunter

Adam, Kayline and Aidan working on the robot

A view during a match

big screens show the final scores after completed matches

The team performing surgery after a problem arose during a match

On the finals day, it was super cool to see a huge Youtuber like Mark Rober 
- he came to say some inspiring things and shoot some t shirts at the audience.

A printed fabric display in the pit.

We all met up at Rudy's BBQ restaurant on the last night

Carson, Elise and Dallin

Keith, Mark and Teresa - Mark drove down from Austin to watch the matches with us. 

Carson, Rogan and Dallin