While in Costa Rica, Carson has been determined to identify each bird that we see. Here is a list of the unique species that we have seen:
1. Muscovy duck
2. Great kiskidee
3. Rufus collared sparrow
4. Cherrie’s tanager (passerine’s tanager)
5. Ruddy ground dove
6. Montezuma oropendola
7. Laughing Falcon
8. Collared aracari
9. Streak headed wood creeper
10. Turkey vulture
11. Prothonotary warbler
12. Promontory warbler
13. Inca dove
14. Common black hawk
15. Zone tailed hawk
16. Blue grey tanager
17. Crested caracara
18. Tri colored heron
19. Yellow legs
20. Spectacled Caiman
21. Northern jacana
22. Black river turtle
23. Groove billed ani
24. Red breasted blackbird
25. Redwing blackbird
26. Green kingfisher (+female)
27. Bear throated tiger heron
28. Ringed kingfisher
29. Long nosed bat
30. Emerald basilisk
31. Roadside hawk
32. Anhinga
33. Mangrove swallow
34. black hooded antshrike
35. Little blue heron
36. White tailed night jar
37. Cattle egret
38. Great egret
39. Great blue heron
40. Nootropic cormorant
41. Amazon kingfisher
42. Boat billed heron
43. Yellow crowned night heron
44. Black cheeked woodpecker
45. Hoffmann’s woodpecker
46. Golden hooded tanager
47. White nosed coatimundi
48. Northern tufted flycatcher
49. Slate collared redstart
50. Keel billed toucan
51. Fiery billed aracari
52. Common bush tanager
53. Resplendent Quetzal
54. Lesson’s motmot (blue diademed motmot)
55. Crested guan
56. Orange bellied trogon
57. White necked Jacobin
58. Crowned wood nymph
59. Green crowned brilliant
60. Green violetear
61. Green hermit
62. Bananaquit
63. Violet sabrewing
64. Purple-throated mountaingem
65. Coppery headed hummingbird
66. Baltimore oriole (m+f)
67. Blue throated toucanet
68. Emerald toucanet
69. Magpie jay
70. Scarlet macaw
71. Magnificent frigate bird
72. Brown booby
73. Brown pelican
74. Grey hawk
75. Black mandibled toucan
76. Red lored amazon
77. Tropical king bird
78. Common pauraque
79. Violet crowned wood nymph hummingbird
80. Blue headed parrot
81. Yellow crowned euphonia
82. Clay colored thrush
83. Rock dove
84. Great currassow
85. Brown jay
86. Black vulture
87. White winged dove
88. Great-tailed grackle
89. Nicaraguan grackle
90. Bear throated tiger heron
91. Large footed finch
92. Grey breasted martin
93. Green heron
94. House wren
95. Prong billed barbet
96. Red face spine tail
97. Silver throated tanager
98. Plain chachalaca
99. Tennessee warbler
100. Pale vented pigeon
101. White collared swift
102. Common tody-flycatcher
103. Great green macaw
104. Southern lapwing
105. King vulture
106. Blue-black grassquit
107. Talamanca hummingbird
108. White crowned parrot
109. Grey brested Martin
110. Red winged blackbird
111. African goose
112. Peacock
113. Chicken
114. Bronzed cowbird
115. White eared ground sparrow
116. Red legged honey creeper
117. Black-headed saltator
118. Gray-cowled wood rail
119. Spectacled owl
120. Rufous tailed jacamar
121. Pygmy kingfisher
122. Gray Catbird
123. Swallow tailed kite
124. Streaked saltator
125. Thick-billed seed-finch
126. Indigo Bunting
127. Clay-colored sparrow
128. White-eared ground-sparrow
List created by Carson.